Sunday, April 21, 2013

Laundry Room Makeover - Part 4: Pantry

Building a Laundry Room Pantry

Our laundry room was lacking storage.  We have a pretty big room designated just for laundry, but the only thing in there was a utility sink, an old fridge and the washer and dryer.  

So I decided I needed to build some shelves.  I wanted to use the corner of the room when you first walk in the laundry room door.

I knew I wanted to build "L" shaped shelves

The big brown box (above) is our laundry shoot.  The clothes fall into this wooden structure (that cannot be moved and is in the middle of the room).

So we had this corner of the room that really couldn't be used because the laundry shoot was in the way.  Now it is used all the time - mega storage!

I built a box below the laundry shoot with shelves on the front (seen above) and shelves on the opposite side (facing the washer and dryer - seen below).

 You can see the open shelves that are facing the washer and dryer in the picture above and below (not painted yet).

I got a good "how-to" on building L-shaped shelves from this link at Once Upon A Cedar House

Picture courtesy of Once Upon A Cedar House

Close-Ups (for help if wanting to build yourself):

I am so happy with my Laundry Room Pantry!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Laundry Room Makeover - Pt 3: Installing new/old Cabinets

Installing New/Old Cabinets Above the Washer and Dryer

Anyone remember this?

This was our kitchen when we bought our house.  See those cabinets on the upper right corner of the picture?  We took those out (along with some others) and they got moved to the basement.  Now that we have finally started getting around to the basement we are reusing the cabinets!  And, some of them went above the washer and dryer.

Yay!  More storage in the laundry room!

The laundry room wall above the washer and dryer was empty.  Our detergent was usually on the floor or sitting on top of the dryer.  This room really was a mess!

I had to take the doors off of the cabinets because of the gas line running through the laundry room (see the black pipe? Yep, that is our gas line heading across the basement before it goes upstairs to the kitchen).

I decided they would look better painted white.

I now have my eyes open for some pretty green bins that will fit inside the open cabinets.

It is starting to come together!

Other Laundry Room Makeover Projects:

  • Utility Sink Cover/Lid
  • Utility Sink Skirt
  • Installing New/Old Cabinets For Storage - (that is this post)
  • Even MORE Countertop Space - Building a "cabinet between the washer and dryer 
  • Built in Corner Shelves - a basement "pantry"
  • Built in Shelves for Laundry Baskets
  • DIY wall folding drying rack
  • Bringing it all together - artwork and details

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Laundry Room Makeover - Part 2: Utility Sink Skirt

Sewing A Skirt For My Utility Sink

After building the lid for my utility sink to create more countertop space, I also wanted to make the space look "pretty".

The lid helped to make the utility sink more utilitarian.

The skirt helped make the sink more enjoyable to look at (and to hide things behind).

I used a tension rod between the wall and the washing machine.

I sewed a simple pocket across the top of the fabric and slid the rod through the hole.  Easy!

Now I can hide all my painting supplies under the sink.  It works great because after washing my paint brushes in the sink, I can just toss them under the sink to store.

Other Laundry Room Makeover Projects:

Links for details on the individual Laundry Room Makeover DIY Projects: